Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Enjoy some Englipish :)

English in Non-English Speaking Countries!

In a Tokyo Hotel: Is forbitten to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing is please not to read notis.

In another Japanese hotel room: Please to bathe inside the tub.

In a Bucharest hotel lobby: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.

Outside a Hong Kong tailor shop: Ladies may have a fit upstairs.

Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand: Would you like to ride on your ass?

In a classroom in India : " the windows.....Let the atmosphere come in !"

In most of the countries : "Stand in a straight circle !"

The most famous one : "I have two daughters...Both of them are girls !"

Wow ! What a lovely language :)


Bala said...

hey ppl used 2 msg these dialogues sayin tat those wer said by jpr.. general tanglipish nu potuta :P

Twinkle said...

oh ! i dint know that....I got it from the internet !

Anonymous said...

that donkey stuff was good (:)

Bala said...

oh k k fne!! jus said for ur info :)